find the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line : remove the quiet word and add at the end: bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash (adapt according to chosen theme).Manjaro ARM is the Manjaro distribution, but for ARM devices. For some reason the Manjaro team is opposed to making nonfree the default, even though it would be a net positive if you ignore the ideological aspects, so this.ģ.1. But they can’t see my KDE Neon (Ubuntu 20.04) partition on a 3rd drive which is also btrfs with a fat32 boot, I know this isn’t the same thing, just saying ! grub-theme. The theme is configured through a plain text file that specifies the layout of the various GUI components (including the boot menu, timeout progress bar, and text messages) as well as the appearance using colors, fonts, and images. The GRUB graphical menu supports themes that can customize the layout and appearance of the GRUB boot menu.
Se eu aperto a seta pra baixo ou para cima, demora um ou dois segundos para a seleção se mover entre as opções. Assim que ligo o notebook, aparece o grub e tenho que escolher entre acessar o Manjaro ou o Windows.